Videographers in Baldwin Kansas start production on new horror series

Videographers in and around Baldwin, Kansas are recording exciting new videos.  That’s because Free State Horror Stories Season 3 is being produced at the Black Back Battlefield!  The video series documents the history surrounding classic Kansas ghost stories. Video production begins in Baldwin on new YouTube series Cinematographer Eric Scherbarth and associate producer Liam Chewning […]

Kansas Ghost Storytelling Contest Offering $250 Prize for Best “Horror Story”

“Free State Horror Stories” is hosting a ghost storytelling competition for 2021.  It will be an open-mic style.  Contestants will compete for $250 cash. The rules are simple. Four competitors will get 15 minutes to record their story. The storyteller must either be a Kansas resident and/or tell a horror story based in Kansas. Free […]

Matty D. Miniseries “Free State Horror Stories” Haunts Viewers

Free State Horror Stories is a video series that explores famous ghost stories in Kansas.  The miniseries premieres October 7, 2020 on YouTube.  Lawrence video production company Matty D. Media launched the project to set two new traditions.  For one, this video series becomes an annual tradition during Halloween.  It will also be the first […]

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