Art class at treatment facility used in mental health video production Matty D Media documentary

Video production for mental health services and support groups

Matty D. Media is a video production company with a strong record of producing documentaries for social service agencies, organizations, and professionals ultimately focused on mental health.  Videos we produce shed a light on sensitive issues such as addiction and suicide.  Our videos also reveal success stories made possible by local support systems.

Since 2015, we have prided ourselves on producing these videos in a fair and affordable fashion.  Our “filmography” of documentary videos include a list of drug and alcohol treatment facilities, suicide prevention programs, foster care support networks, and showcasing the specialities of individual therapists.

Our video production crew understands that when it comes to producing videos about mental health, sensitivity and care are at a premium.  We rally behind the expertise of licensed practitioners.  Individual privacy is always respected.  Participants can opt into documentaries of a sensitive nature, but they are never pressured into interviews.  Oftentimes, success stories are told in a more general way.  For example, the video below focuses on an evidence-based approach as compared to any one case study.

Our video production company also showcases a wider net of social service agencies and community partners.  We have documented child education programs and supports for at-risk youth.  Our videographers are also called upon when a non-profit organization is being recognized by a grant or a community award.

Counselors and mental health therapists with different specialties have also hired our videographers to highlight what they do.  For example, licensed therapist Nicole Rials has separate sections of her practice and her website where different audiences are supported.  Rials speaks about her specialized treatment for first responders in one area of her practice.  On a separate page, she coordinates workshops to promote the mental health of a community based on her cultural competence.  

Our video production company is based in Lawrence and serves mental health professionals throughout the Kansas City region.  Our video work has also captured music and arts programs that bring together different people to enrich lives and celebrate positive affirmations.  For example, we produce two videos each year for Life Restoration Ministries’ theatrical performances at the Lied Center of Kansas.

For a free and custom quote on video production, please e-mail or call (913) 735-0783 today.



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