Video production for company presentations

Companies making presentations at networking groups, conferences, and trade shows could really benefit from bringing in a video production team. Finding time to craft a presentation is difficult enough. Business owners should capitalize by capturing that presentation for future marketing efforts.

Matty D. Media LLC has an affordable video package for companies to capture these presentations. The final video segment includes moments from the presentation itself. The video also includes a one-on-one interview with the company representative after the presentation. Many company presentations are between 10-30 minutes. However, we know that digital audiences watch videos shorter than 3 minutes on average. Matty D’s video package blends both presentation and interview footage to produce a concise final product. The interview also gives the presenter the opportunity to adjust his message for a digital audience, versus the traditional physical audience.

This video format is showcased below. Matty D. Media produced this segment from a recent presentation given at One Million Cups in Lawrence, Kansas.

Visit Matty D. Media on Twitter, Facebook or e-mail for more info.

A company presentation video like this one by Matty D. Media LLC costs $425 and includes:

  • Final edited video between 1:30 – 5:00 in total length
  • Up to 30 minutes of presentation video captured
    • Raw video of full presentation not included
      • $150 extra to post unedited presentation onto YouTube
  • Postgame interview with primary spokesperson
    • Up to 15 minutes of interview footage captured
    • Secondary spokespeople can be included in session
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